Saturday, December 29, 2018

"I'm Goin' to the YMCA!" (3).

I'm Not Some Old Jalopy... Yet!

[Photo: I walk north on Ridout St. on my way to Downtown YMCA]

Official dictionary definition: (ja·lop·y   /jəˈläpē/   noun   INFORMAL)

an old car in a dilapidated condition. Synonyms: dilapidated car.

Not only do I still have sturdy tires (I gave all four a good kick) but I have a built-in 'fun and fitness' routine. That is, I like to get out the door 4 - 6 times per week and put myself through the paces.

And the YMCA is working out well: The exercise bikes and treadmills are in good supply, as are the free weights, weight machines, cold water and comfort stations. Why, if they served supper I'd live there.

I have visited the Y 43 times in 8 weeks and averaged about 40 miles per week (walking, bicycling and running) during that time. (In comparison, when walking and jogging on city trails I averaged about 30 miles per week over the last three years).

During the last three weeks, I have covered 46.5, 38.5 and 39.75 miles and have usually followed the same pattern of activity:

Walk 3.0 miles (round-trip) between the YMCA and home

Ride a bike for 1.5 - 2.5 miles

Run 2.5 - 4.5 miles on a treadmill.

And so far, during the 43 visits, not so much as a hubcap has fallen off. I hear a few 'snap, crackle and pops' during my work with weights, but I'm not discouraged!

Why, runs in the 5 to 6 mile range - and svelteness (oh, do tell) - may be a real possibility in the near future.  

Photos GH

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