Sunday, September 9, 2018

Simply and Steadily Walking 1.

What!? No Running This Year?

"I'm still flying, just in a slightly different direction"

For the last five months I walked and ran (slowly and irregularly) during 134 outings under the banner of "Run Prep." I hoped to gain enough running stamina to feel confident about entering a 10K race and then a half-marathon before the end of 2018.

But during the 134 outings I ran less than 34 times (i.e., only about 25% of the time) because very hot and muggy weather drained away my motivation to do more. So, until proper motivation returns, I will simply walk.

A Glimpse at August Stats

 I regularly cover 30 miles/week, but only ran twice in August!  

I did not feel like I was actually preparing for a fall race

That being said, as soon as I made the decision to continue walking under a new banner (Simply, Steadily Walking aka S2W), the weather changed. September has started off cooler than usual, so, one never knows, the motivation to trot along - and prepare for a 10K race - may in fact return. 

Cooler weather may help me get ready for take off! We shall see!!

I finished the week, ending on Sept. 1, with 31 miles in the bag.

My goals for September and beyond are easy to recall:

keep walking steadily (18 minutes per mile, or better)

cover about 30 miles per week 

make plans for a motorcycle trip to Ottawa

if the mood strikes, run a bit

work toward 3,500 total reps in my exercise routine

stay within my limits, and thereby prevent injuries 

 I hit 3,000 push-ups, sit-ups, stretching and strength
markers in early September. Onward we go : )

No hockey for me this year, but I'll walk with a stick.

My mileage totals for several recent months (i.e., May - August) have been the highest since I started keeping records in Oct. 2005, so I am a little disappointed that I couldn't use those numbers as a springboard to a steady running habit. As well, when I started long distance running the 1990s, the prospect of hot, muggy weather didn't slow me down, as I recall (or most of the running group with which I ran). We ran through it and did not significantly suffer.

I may not have greatly suffered this summer as well, e.g., in June or August (two of the hottest months this year in London), had I kept at my running, but the motivation just wasn't there. 

"Yes, I am that old!"* says the Prehistoric Canadian above.

More to follow. (Perhaps some running? We shall see what we shall see).

Photos GH

*This may be Gord's first public admission that his long, energetic and productive middle age may possibly be about ten years away from approaching its end. To be followed by "just a titch past middle age".