Sunday, December 22, 2019

'Same-old, Same old' Makes Me Feel New

Four More Personal Bests in the Four-Miler

Walking west on Terry Fox Pathway, part of a 7-mile loop

On November 22nd, i.e., one month ago - to the day - I wrote the following on this blog:

Currently, I really like what I'm doing fun-and-fitness-wise and see positive, gradual progress in the future, including a few more PBs (personal bests) in the four-mile-run category.

Why, ain't it the truth! Here it is December 22 and about all I can say for myself is, "Currently, I really like what I'm doing fun-and-fitness-wise and see positive, gradual progress in the future, including a few more PBs (personal bests) in the four-mile-run category."

I think you can quote me on that.

I continue to be a 'Steady Eddie', getting to the YMCA three times per week for well-rounded workouts, and walking 7 - 7.5 miles twice per week on city pathways (usually to UWO to scan microfilm of WW2 news stories).

And since Nov. 22 I have lowered my time on the four-mile treadmill run four times. On Friday I lowered the time to under 9-minutes per mile for the first time in over a decade. (8min:59.5sec. per mile. I slowed down during the last half-mile in order to save a bit of energy for the walk home).

I cram a lot of numbers into my monthly journal so I can
see 'where I'm at' - at-a-glance 

My WalkRun miles hold steady, 35 - 40 miles/week

"Where I'm at" update:

my fun and fitness routine is routinely five days on, two days off

I cover 35 - 40 miles per week, walking and running (about 24 - 30 mi. walking, 12 miles running)

I regularly collect 45+ miles/points per week, made up of walk/run miles (35 - 40mi.) and biking and weight training points (8 - 10pts)

I lift, pull, push about 14,000 lbs. of weight three times per week (30 reps re free weights and various weight machines)

I should hit 10,000 total reps by New Years Day.

my weight has been hanging around 145 - 147 pounds for several months


"Steady Eddie" still likes what he's doing. Ultimate svelteness is just around the corner : )

I cannot say that I will work towards a five-mile run (and higher) on the treadmill over the winter, though the thought is in my mind.

While walking home from the YMCA last week I crossed paths with a former running mate who invited me to join his half-marathon clinic, beginning in January. I said that I would visit his website and consider signing up. And I have, and I'm not sure about putting my name on the dotted line.

I have a good base, I know enough to stay within my limits and make very gradual progress in order to prevent injuries, and I ran a couple of 5 - 7-mi. runs in the summer with no problems. Could I get to 13 miles? Very likely.

But do I want to do that, make a commitment, risk injury, attempt a level of work I have not visited in about 14 years?

I know... group running and group efforts are a lot of fun... a lot of fun. But... hmmmm.

Do I want to see what I've still got in me?

Interesting thoughts will lie ahead.

Please link to In The Zone as Colder Weather Arrives (2).

Photos GH