Even At 70 I Sure Like "Getting Better"
More miles, and faster, than when I started in 2015
Four years have past since I started making The GREAT Canadian Comeback. In October, 2015 (after a routine physical exam), I decided to get into better shape, lose some weight, become a dedicated walker/runner, cover some miles each week, and keep track of my progress.
Have I been setting world records for the 3.5-mile treadmill running race?
I don't think so.
Did I just walk and run more miles during a single month recently, compared to any other month during the last four years?
Yes, I did. And that personal best (PB) felt pretty darn good.
Have I been setting world records for the 3.5-mile treadmill running race?
I don't think so.
Did I just walk and run more miles during a single month recently, compared to any other month during the last four years?
Yes, I did. And that personal best (PB) felt pretty darn good.
I now have four year's worth of records/journals and have placed a few details on a blog (here you are), and I can see I have been making pretty good progress... in my opinion.
Photos From Along the Way:
Admittedly, it helps that I live close to a local YMCA and a variety of useful paved pathways (walking, running, cycling routes). Creating a habit re fun and fitness is made easier as a result, for certain.

I cross this bridge regularly on my way to London's Downtown YMCA
Even on rainy days I make the 3.25 mile trek, to and from.
I have to say, walking about 7 miles every other day works for me!
Not everyone likes running on a treadmill I'm sure, but I don't seem to mind. I have gradually increased the speed and distance as months have gone by (and I adjust the machine's incline so I run slightly uphill), and when I run on London's paths I run faster than I did during a measured 5- and 10-kilometre race two years ago.
Why, just yesterday I ran 6.5 miles about 10 seconds per mile faster than I did two years ago at a 10 Km. race (at which I won my age group, 65-69 yr.). Hey, that's not a bad PB to claim.
Q: How many were in your age group 2 years ago?
A: One. Just me. : )
I now say, if you can't beat the competition, outlive them!!
I have no chance to ever set a track and field world record unless I'm still able to run around a quarter-mile track at 105 years old. (Sure, I'd give it a try if the medal was real gold and there was free beer at the finish line).
That being said, more personal bests are within my grasp. During this past September, not only did I set a PB for total points (190.25, predominantly miles; walking, running, cycling, weights - using an equivalency formula) but I had a PB for points per day (7.61, predominantly miles). And that makes me pretty happy, as does a nice bowl of my own slow-cooker stew.
Maybe I'll see you at the YMCA or on local pathways.
Thumbs up!
Please link to Feeling Like a Marathoner Again. (It's Only a Pleasant Illusion)
Why, just yesterday I ran 6.5 miles about 10 seconds per mile faster than I did two years ago at a 10 Km. race (at which I won my age group, 65-69 yr.). Hey, that's not a bad PB to claim.
Q: How many were in your age group 2 years ago?
A: One. Just me. : )
I now say, if you can't beat the competition, outlive them!!
Ready for a morning walk and a cuppa coffee.
I have no chance to ever set a track and field world record unless I'm still able to run around a quarter-mile track at 105 years old. (Sure, I'd give it a try if the medal was real gold and there was free beer at the finish line).
That being said, more personal bests are within my grasp. During this past September, not only did I set a PB for total points (190.25, predominantly miles; walking, running, cycling, weights - using an equivalency formula) but I had a PB for points per day (7.61, predominantly miles). And that makes me pretty happy, as does a nice bowl of my own slow-cooker stew.
Maybe I'll see you at the YMCA or on local pathways.
Thumbs up!
Please link to Feeling Like a Marathoner Again. (It's Only a Pleasant Illusion)
Photos GH
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