Thursday, May 12, 2016

Steady as She Goes 2

Steady Eddie is Making Progress

"I'm on track for another 25 - 35 mile week, walking and shuffling"

No doubt about it. I'm feeling it as I reach the halfway point of 90 brisk walks that include some shuffling off to Buffalo.

I don't mean I'm feeling the burn, feeling exhausted or even close to being discouraged. I'm staying within my limits as far as walking and shuffling are concerned (5 - 7 days per week), and some great gains are being made.... ever so gradually, but perceptibly in my opinion!

For example, after shuffling for 60 - 120 seconds, my breathing, heart rate and tired muscles seem to recover quickly. And within 60 - 120 seconds I again feel the urge to get back to shuffling. Good sign, I think. I feel no urge to push my progress faster than it is already happening - and by staying within my limits.... my limits are growing!

I occasionally see cyclists and runners pass by with weighted packs on their backs, hoping to intensify their workouts and make faster progress toward their goals. I am going to skip that idea. I have the time to make gradual, enjoyable progress so I am taking it.

"Some week days I have the path almost to myself"

While walking and shuffling today I realized, scientifically speaking, there are 13 stages of progress that I'll (hopefully) experience as I go from my starting to eventual end point. The stages are as follows:

1. Slowest
2. Slower
3. Slow
4. Slow - Medium minus 2
5. Medium minus 2
6. Medium minus 1
7. Medium
8. Medium - Fast minus 2
9. Fast minus 2
10. Fast minus 1
11. Fast
12. Faster
13. Fastest

How's that for science? It's indisputable! : )

I don't know what category I am in at the moment, maybe number 3 or 4, but I am pretty sure I have improved my speed not only after walking for six months steady but after adding a bit of shuffling. I do know I will be able to pass through several future stages by staying within my limits 5 - 7 days per week and adding a bit of a challenge (e.g., shuffle/jog a little longer, a little faster on hillier terrain) on a gradual basis.

All is well.

Photos from along the way:

"The bridge is my turn-around-point for a six-miler"

Please link to Steady as She Goes 1

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