Monday, December 12, 2016

Transition Zone Squared. (8)

Urban Slogans.

"All roads are worth walkn."

I generally maintain a positive attitude about walking during winter in spite of cold weather, slippery streets and snow-encrusted walkways. Though hard going lies ahead I will don extra layers as a shield against stiff breezes that want to fly up me shirt or down me pants. I will don winter boots with good tread and - though trekking often consists of 'three steps forward and one back' - repeat a worthy slogan to keep things happy: "But it's a good workout, eh!"

I finished last week (on Friday, Dec. 9) with an easy hockey game in the early PM and a 2-mile walk to a London Knights game after supper. I recorded 3 miles on the day for a total of 27 for the week, which raised my 10-week average just a smidgeon to 26.375 miles. I imagine that over the winter I will be able to keep my weekly average around the 25 miles/week mark as long as I don't slide backwards into the Thames during my many treks through Harris Park.

Slogans from along the way:

About hockey: "Keep yer head up and yer stick down"

 "Start the week on a winning streak"

 "All paths lead to fun and fitness"

 "Four miles a day burns some calories away"

That spray bombed slogan seems a bit harsh.
"Make life easier for others when and where you can"

Keep on WALKN.

Please link to Transition Zone Squared. (7)

Photos GH

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