Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Transition Zone Squared. (6)

Five Bucks, Five Bucks, Five Bucks!

From Dec. 6, 2015: "Longest walk so far...."

Two and a half hours? What was I thinking? That I needed to break in new runners? Burn 1,000 calories? Train for a marathon?

I cannot recall. I do know I likely covered 7.5 - 8.0 miles and taken several photos of Terry Fox Path and Springbank Park along the way.

Yup. Photos from along the way -

This week started with two five-milers, and on each day I walked a few miles in the afternoon, and a few more in the evening with my handy-dandy Walkman radio. Will I get three in a row? 

In the spring, as weather warms, I may get back to a jogging routine, and I will be very surprised if I surpass the 7.5 - 8.0-mile distance even once. However, I know it's possible based on last year's walking/running records, and if conditions are positive (e.g., it's all downhill, there's a strong wind at my back, somebody's pushing....) one never knows.

We shall see what we shall see.

Numbers: Last week I covered 26 miles and this week I aim to walk about the same distance. No need for an 8-miler! How many calories are burned by a 155-pound male when walking one mile? Answers vary from approx. 250 - 450. Do the numbers go up or down if I'm eating a cheeseburger at the same time? : )

More photos from along the way -

 Two walks per day seem to fit my schedule at this time

 Yesterday was a super day for walking (no cheeseburger required)

Walkn north in Harris Park

Photos GH

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