Sunday, February 2, 2020

This Is Happening (3).

Run Slower! Run Slower!

I am heading north toward The Fork of the Thames. Temp -1 Celsius.

I can be very specific about the speed of each run I have completed at Downtown YMCA and recorded in my journal (re distance, time, average speed in miles and km). And since my last entry on January 15 I have adhered to my half-marathon training chart and have had positive results during three runs and workouts and two long walks per week.

Got the numbers to prove it.

But I had a nagging feeling that I was going 'too far too fast' on the treadmill (such an easy thing to do, you just have to push a button). And though the last 3 - 4 months of running had prepared me well for increases in speed over distances from 3 - 5 miles ( I was recording PBs or 'personal bests' on a regular basis), one side of my brain was regularly sending fleeting messages to the other side that went a little bit like this:

- you ate up this kind of training in 2003 and 2004 as you prepared to run a qualifying marathon for the Big One (Boston marathon)

- you're 16 - 17 years older now

- why not play it safe and take it a bit slower?

- you ain't no spring chicken anymore, Gordie Boy!

And, over the last few days I have started listening to the message: Go slower, and enjoy the view.

So, today's workout as recorded on my training schedule - 7 Miles, Speed Work - has now been scratched out and changed to "7 Miles, Easy." After all, I had a very good 'hill workout' this past Monday, a very good 'speed work run' (faster than my planned race pace) on Wednesday, and a steady, easy-ish run on Friday. All in all, I want to be a Steady Eddie rather than someone skirting with injury.

Photos from TVP, London (earlier in the year):

We are now into February and I look forward to adjusting my month's worth of workouts to a more conservative pace. If I feel strong and steady by Feb. 29 - after I get a couple of 7 and 8 milers under my belt - then I might turn up the 'speed work dial'... just a notch or two.

Update from Monday, Feb. 3:

I ran 12 km. (7.456 mi.) on the treadmill yesterday. City paths and sidewalks were snow-covered. 

Pace: I ran slowly for 0.3 - 0.5 km., then gradually increased the speed from 9.6 - 10.1 kph, a couple of kms at a time. My race pace will hopefully be very close to 10.0 - 10.2 kph.

There are 12 weeks of training to go. Still healthy! 

Please link to This Is Happening (2).

Photos GH

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