Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Feeling Some Pressure (1).

The Runs.

[Photo: Approaching my two-mile mark on Terry Fox Pathway]

The first full week of September was a pivotal week - not related to world history - as my first race date since 2005 approaches. On October 1st I'll line up in Springbank Park with a friend, hoping to finish a short run with a smile and looking svelte, as if it was really nothing.

But it's something: My regular walk/runs are each more important now, my sterling running reputation is on the line, I have to stay injury-free, I've got to get my money's worth for the race (60 bucks including T-shirt, tax, and 'admin fee'), and The GREAT Canadian Comeback (that began two years ago) does not deserve a setback at this stage in the game.

First two runs last week were "steady as she goes".
Average pace includes walking and running

As the month progresses I want to see fewer walking breaks and more distance with each running break. If we were talking about links of sausage, I'd like to see fewer but longer sausages and less space between each link. : )

Yeah, let's talk sausages.

Fortunately, I am able to say that each of the last few runs has been marked by bigger and better sausages. I am now able to run a mile or two or more before taking a short break. Why, by the end of next week I should be able to run 5 kilometres without stopping to get gas.

I am feeling some pressure to run farther, but not faster. I stay within my limits and push a bit to add a quarter mile here and there, add a longer hill or two, but not push the pace. Speed will follow added strength and stamina. By the end of October perhaps I'll be thinking about adding more accelerations and short sprints, but not right now.

More photos from along the way:

 The five-miler on Sept. 7 was almost all run. Smooth move, Eddie.

 Last four weeks: 27.25 - 29.5 miles

 10-week average is on the rise

 Some numbers look pretty positive.

Last week ended on a positive footing mileage- and sausage-wise. 

This current week I aim to complete 3-4 runs and exert enough pressure on myself to cover 5 kilometres with only 1 or 2 walking breaks.

We shall see what we shall see.

Photos GH

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