Friday, May 18, 2018

Run Prep 5.

From A Long Way Back.

[Photo: Inspired by Sunshine and the idea of Sveltness]

This really happened.

I was running last night, six miles, and I was joined by another runner as I entered the Greenway Pathway west of Wharncliffe. "D'ya mind?" he said. He liked my steady pace.

He was clearly the stronger runner, and though we didn't know each other from Adam, he stayed with me and talked my ear off. And I thought I was a talker.

Downside: I almost forgot to turn around at my 3-mile marker. Upside: My mind was distracted by his patter so the run felt quite short. Weird. (The whole thing was weird.)

Current status re The GREAT Canadian Comeback:

I have farther to go in the stamina, strength, speed, smooth stride, and svelteness departments.

My sense of satisfaction, however, is high.

Continued below...

 I think I'm finally ready for 20 reps at a time. Svelte is a real possibility!!

 GREAT Comebacks can take a long time : )

I have come a long way since September 2015.

It feels great to run in T-shirt and shorts.

It feels really great to run steadily at even a slow pace.

More miles to follow.

Please link to Run Prep 4.

Photos GH

Monday, May 7, 2018

Run Prep 4.

The Determined Runner.

[Photo: Light at the end of the pier in Port Bruce]

Once temperatures grew warmer and streets clearer at end of April, I got back to 2 - 3 runs per week - on my way to preparing for a summer 10K and fall 21.1K (half-marathon) running event, 2018.

During the month of May I will surely experience slow and steady improvements in six areas as the result of regular exercise (walking, running and my F.I.T. routine), all within my limits:

Steady results will follow steady walking and running.  

Improved stamina, strength, speed, stride efficiency, sense of satisfaction and sveltness.

Already I am running farther between 'walk breaks', and recovering faster (re regular heart-rate and breath-rate) during walk breaks*. (Sveltness may take quite a bit longer to achieve).

 I calculate a "ten-week average" at the end of every week. Steady!

 1,500 push-ups and sit-ups by the end of the week : )

Speaking of breaks: I take Port Bruce breaks regularly too.

*Walk breaks last for about 60 - 90 seconds and I take breaks when I want to or feel the need. They will decrease in length and frequency as my running legs get stronger in May.

More to follow re The GREAT Canadian Comeback, already 2 years and 7 months long!

Photos by GH.