Sunday, November 26, 2017

Hold Steady (4).

Out the Door on Good Snow Tires.

[Photo: The engine is all warmed up too]

I'm now a full week back from a wee trip to Chicago and the related high-calorie-consumption. But my engine is warmed up and I'm nicely back to my walkn/running routine.

Out the door six days in a row. 30 miles.

I covered 30 miles in six days, and included two slow and steady runs. And if I can complete a half-dozen more runs over the next two weeks, even in the snow (if it comes), then I should be back in solid form.

My 10-week average for miles is in solid territory.

Photos from along the way:

Out walkn in Chicago. 

Some of "the related high-calorie-consumption" : )

Note the 3 lb. Dreamsicle Bar, centre! That's for me!!

Back home in The Village. It's not really all uphill from here!

Please link to Hold Steady (3).

Photos GH

Monday, November 20, 2017

Hold Steady (3).

Back to Work, Eh!

[Photo: Heading home after a good work day]

My son and I enjoyed a mini-vacation in Chicago recently. We walked and tubed and bused around the boisterous city and I recorded a few miles of WALKN everyday, and an estimated total of 21 miles over six days.

I could have walked more, but my young son couldn't keep up! Joke.

So, I'm back in town, and ready to get back to my goal of 'holding steady', aiming to complete 5 - 6 brisk walks and determined runs per week. By doing so, I hope to be ready for a spring time challenge. Maybe another 10K at a faster speed than my last one. Maybe a 10-miler or half marathon. 

Before supper I walked 4.5 miles and enjoyed every step. Tomorrow is another day and I will continue to get back to work.

Please link to Hold Steady (2).

Photos GH

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Hold Steady (2).

Taking My Time.

[Photo: Lots of lovely miles ahead]

As I age I grow more patient and aware of advantages related to taking one's time.

Winter is coming, lovely miles of good path lay ahead of me (for walking, jogging).

 HS2, or Hold Steady 2 (out of 125). In Oxford Park, 4.5 miles long.
Each week I plan to complete two walks or jogs of 6 miles. Slow.
My other weekly walks/jogs will be in the 3 - 5 mile range. Steady.

I look forward to the 125 walks/jogs ahead, that will take me to Mar. 31, 2018 (approx.). I plan to hold steady to the good foundation of fitness I've built over the last two years. I know I'm usually not as pressed for time as during summer months, now that the motorcycle is ready for storage and my busy workshop is closed. So, confidence runs high.

Photos from along the way:

 A lovely path and park just west of Wharncliffe Rd., south of Oxford St.

 Good colour in the Kiwanis Park, end of Paul St. A quiet zone.

Taking the high road opposite Harris Park. Lovely miles.

Please link to Hold Steady (1).

Photos GH